About us

Who we are

We are a bunch of volunteers whose ethos is that of City of Sanctuary.   None of us are paid.   And the people seeking sanctuary in the county are all part of the NCOS community.   That community is the true NCOS.  

We are a registered charity, number 1185663.   We have a board of trustees, 8 at present, though we are permitted 12.   By law, the trustees have certain duties, but NCOS is governed on a day to day basis by an executive committee of trustees and other concerned individuals, including some asylum seekers and people with leave to remain.

help is our main goal!

Helping those in need is at the heart of everything we do, and we rely on the support and involvement of people like you to achieve our goals and create positive change in our community.

get involve

There are many ways to get involved with our organization and contribute to the betterment of our community, whether it's through volunteering, donating, fundraising, or becoming a partner. We invite you to join us and make a difference today.

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